12 Nisan 2018 Perşembe


WHAT IS THE NUMEROLOGY?                                           

Numerology is based on the Ionian philosopher, mathematician Pythagorean (Pythagoras), based on sciences. Devrin is one of the most important thinkers and researchers. On the one hand, Pythagorean created a totally semi-religious-semi-philosophical doctrine under the influence of Milet's philosophy of nature, and Orphik's secret teachings, and established a system of hidden beliefs.

According to this teaching;

Everything counts or counts everything.

  According to Pythagoras, everything is made up of numbers. In this way you could solve many unknowns by means of numbers. Numerology, which is a branch of this philosophical view today, basically states that everything is related to numbers and that there is no coincidental thing but a big order. Sadema is not ancient Greeks, but Egyptians and Arabs long ago had both before Islam and after Islam. they have not been uninterested in the subject and have done a lot of work on the number

Numerology has a symbolic counterpart in every number. He applied to Numerology, which is both numerical and numerical, to determine the effects of numbers on humans and human self-doubt, as well as other occult and esoteric paths. It is a little difficult to interpret the date of birth, a map by pouring everything that is related to the name and everything related to it into the number account, but all the numbers have a meaning. According to this;


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